Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Duval's Presentation: "Thriving as Writers in a Test-Writer Environment"

How do you succcessfully prepare your students for state assessment? The research is in, and if teachers follow the advice of Higgins, Miller, and Wegman authors of "Teaching to the test...Not!", students will experience positive results in their state assessments as well as communicate clearly and creatively in their writing. The main goal of the article is to impress upon teachers to focus on three instructional areas that will produce 'life-long learners' and not test takers. Thank you, Emily Duval, presentor of this research, who also provided engaged modeled activities supporting those key instructional areas.

I believe teachers appreciate being well-informed of research practices that support the processes of learning and not just the product. Duval also pointed out if proven researchers: Atwell, Moffett, Graves, Calkins, and others alike are connected to any such research, then teachers can be confident that these strategies will be successful. The 'write one word' activity was:engaging, thought-provoking, addressed social nature of language, student-centered and simple; it was activities like this that convinced me any grade level of students would achieve positive results in writing literacy. How smart is that! Why would a teacher not trust: the theory that supports sound instructional practices, proven strategies that help students write with success, or improve a learning environment of outstanding teaching? This is the equation that I choose to drive my instruction...and I am sure my colleagues agree. I applaud the messenger as well as the message.

1 comment:

  1. You brought up some very good points Lupe. Assessment always gives me much to think about.
